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Historical Commission Meeting Minutes01/08/2007
Lenox Historical Commission
January 8, 2007, 7:00 p.m.
Lenox Academy, 2nd Floor


Commissioners present: Suzanne Pelton, Lavinia Meeks, Joan Mears
Absent with notification: Jerome Connoy
Absent without notification: George Jordan
Visitors: Lisa Mears, Andrea Winter

Suzanne Pelton called the meeting to order at 7:03.  The minutes of the December 11 meeting were approved as presented.

The Commission welcomed two visitors: Lisa Mears and Andrea Winter both of whom are interested in becoming active in the Historical Commission.

The first order of business was to elect a new Chair as has been done in January for the past several years. Joan and Lavinia were nominated to serve as Co-Chairs; Suzanne was nominated to serve again as Secretary. The vote in favor was unanimous. Joan assumed the chairmanship of this meeting.

Town Cemetery Maintenance – Joan and Lavinia will call Regina Rouse, a member of the historical committee of the South Williamstown Community Assn who garnered funding to clean the town’s second oldest cemetery, at Five Corners, to get information to help us.

Demolition Delay Bylaw – Jerry (we believe) has sent an email to Greg about securing help from Berkshire Regional Planning’s Joellyn Warren (who works in Lenox two days a week helping with various Boards) in writing our Demolition Delay Bylaw. Suzanne will follow up to see if Joellyn can be at our next meeting, Feb 12th.

Westinghouse Streetlights Restoration – Suzanne expects the Selectmen to review the Westinghouse project before our next meeting.

Date Plaques for Historic Houses in Lenox – Lavinia will talk to Vicki Salvatore, President of the Lenox Historical Society, for more Plaque program information so this project can move ahead in the spring.

Historical Commission Listing on Town’s Website: Suzanne presented copy about the LHC for inclusion on Town’s website. It was moved and seconded to send this to Greg. Passed unanimously. (Attached)

Letter to Select Board regarding Library Reading Garden –  Suzanne brought Jerry’s draft. Commissioners rewrote. Suzanne will work on more and show it to Jerry. Lavinia, Joan and Suzanne approved draft and agree letter should be sent as soon as Suzanne finalizes it.

Annual Report of the Historical Commission - Suzanne will write (as she has done for past two years) and submit to Town Clerk for inclusion in Annual Report, by end of January. Suzanne says it will be almost identical to last year’s report which she presented from current Annual Report. Moved and seconded; passed unanimously.
Lenox Historical Commission Minutes of 1-8-07 Meeting  -  Pg 2 of 2

Winstanley Project – The subject of the Winstanley project was raised during discussion about preservation in the townSuzanne reported that she attended the ZBA meeting on December 20, 2006 to hear the presentation from Nathan Winstanley for a development at Main and Franklin streets. One ZBA Commissioner has recused himself as he is an abutter so the meeting was continued until Jan 17 when the Board would have five members. Suzanne reported that on 12/20 plans were available to see after the meeting was adjourned and several people who saw the plans were concerned about the size of the town houses. After a brief discussion it was agreed that the LHC should have its recommendation on record with the ZBA. Suzanne will write the letter, stating that the LHC is charged with the responsibility of protecting the historical assets of the Lenox, that the landscape is an historic asset and that the town houses as presented are not compatible with the landscape of an historic village. It was moved and seconded that Suzanne write the letter and deliver it to ZBA commissioners; passed unanimously.

Grant Writing  - Lisa Mears expressed an interest in grant writing and will begin looking into what funds are available to help restore the town cemetery.

LHC Records Organization - Andrea is interested in helping to organize the Commission’s records and find out what is in our collection. She and Suzanne will make a date to begin the work next week.

New members –  Lavinia reported that she has identified another candidate for the LHC: Julie Martino, who has expressed interest in joining us. Suzanne will write a letter to the Board of Selectmen proposing that the following appointments be made this month (January is the beginning of our elected terms): Andrea Winter and Julie Martino to become Commissioners, Lisa Mears to become an Alternate. Suzanne will meet with Jerry about becoming an ex officio member (welcome to come to meetings to share their experience and help with projects, but having no vote) and allowing new members who are keen to work on our projects join the LHC. Moved and seconded; passed unanimously.

The next three meetings are February 12, March 12 and April 9, at 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Suzanne W. Pelton

Joan Mears, Co-Chair                    637-6989
Lavinia Meeks, Co-Chair         637-4295
Suzanne W. Pelton, Secretary    637-0035
Jerome V. Connoy                        637-3303
George C. Jordan III                    637-1734